Fashion to a TEA Luncheon – Saturday October 8th

St. Gregory’s is hosting their first Fashion to a TEA Luncheon on Saturday, October 8th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Center.  Come and treat yourself to an afternoon of Fun, Food and Fashion.

Don’t miss out on finding out who will be strutting the runway wearing collections by Annie’s ADDITION Boutique presenting her fall and winter fashions and accessories.

Entertainment provided by St. Gregory’s own Broadway Kids, with 50/50 raffle, plus beautiful Basket raffles just in time for the holidays!

Please stop by our table outside of Mass on Sept. 24th & 25th & Oct. 1st & 2nd to purchase your tickets for this much awaited event. Tickets can also be purchased ($30) in the Church rectory during rectory hours.  For additional information call Judie Corbett at 954-299-1031 or Toni Ferrara at 954-584-2168.

Gather your friends for a private table of 10 for $300.00.